If you only have time to read one planning book, read this.

I don’t know about you but I sometimes struggle to keep up with the latest marketing literature – not just because work and family life is all consuming but also because there’s such a plethora to choose from, some of which could be seminal pieces of work whilst others might turn out to be self-indulgent tosh!   But as a planner it’s important to familiarise ourselves with the opinions of industry thought leaders. Not only can it lend credence to any strategic recommendations but it can also provide a fresh perspective to address common problems.

Well the good news is that failure to know your Nassim Talebs from your Seth Godins could be a thing of the past!  I went to an interesting APG talk this week to hear Kevin Duncan, strategist and author, answer questions about any of the marketing books he’s read. And he’s certainly read a few! In fact, he’s published a couple of books which distill the essence of some of the most prominent marketing and business literature of our time. Top man!

You can find out more on his blog  or better still, download the following iphone apps so that you can discreetly refer to them in client meetings and impress everyone with your infinite pearls of wisdom!